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If you are a resident of the state of South Dakota or are facing criminal charges in the state, there is certain information you need to be aware of when it comes time to attend an arraignment, trial, or other court meeting where your charges are going to be discussed. Failure to appear at these court hearings could result in you being held contempt of court and ultimately be charged with another offense. To avoid this from happening, below is a breakdown of the judicial district of SD and the district judges who represent those divisions.
The State of South Dakota constitutes one judicial district divided into four divisions (28 U.S.C. § 122).
Charles B. Kornmann
United States District Judge
102 Fourth Avenue, SE, Room 408
Aberdeen, SD 57401 605-377-2600
Karen E. Schreier
United States District Judge
400 South Phillips Avenue, Room 233
Sioux Falls, SD 57104
John B. Jones
United States District Judge
400 South Phillips Avenue, Room 302 Sioux Falls, SD 57104
Lawrence L. Piersol
United States District Judge
400 South Phillips Avenue, Room 202 Sioux Falls, SD 57104
Roberto A. Lange
United States District Judge
225 S. Pierre Street, Room 413
Pierre, SD 57501 605-945-4610
Jeffrey L. Viken
Chief Judge
Andrew W. Bogue Federal Building and United States Courthouse
515 Ninth Street, Room 318
Rapid City, SD 57701 605-399-6050
Having adequate legal representation when going into a courtroom can increase your chances of not being charged with the maximum penalty. Our SD defense lawyers are familiar with all the state laws, have experience in the field of justice, and will gladly represent you and fight to get your charges reduced or even dismissed.
Whether you are facing the criminal charges or you’re a family member in search of a local defense lawyer in SD, we will connect you with some of the best layers in the field who can take on any case brought their way.
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